by Rosheen Kabraji


The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Author: Mohsin Hamid

A seemingly familiar tale of what happens when an immigrant embraces the American dream and is betrayed.

Changez narrates his story to an American stranger in a cafe in Lahore over the course of an evening. Is Changez the stereotypical immigrant turned anti-American fundamentalist?

Or is the American stranger the real threat?

Available at The Reluctant Fundamentalist


Cracking India: A Novel

Author: Bapsi Sidhwa

Set in Lahore during the time of partition in 1947, this is a description of events within a household of Parsi-Zoroastrians, a minority community in the Indian sub-continent.

It narrates the unfolding tension and violence that marked the months before partition through the eyes of an eight-year-old Parsi girl. The novel was also made into an award winning film, Earth, directed by Deepa Mehta.

Available at Cracking India: A Novel


In Other Rooms, Other Wonders

Author: Daniyal Mueenuddin

The Pakistani-American author weaves together a series of stories that range from rural Pakistan to the drawing rooms of Paris, illustrating the challenges facing the characters, whether they are from a village in Punjab or cities in the diaspora.

Available at In Other Rooms, Other Wonders


Instant City: Life and Death in Karachi

Author: Steve Inskeep

It is difficult to explain to the outside world the intricate social and political fabric of Karachi, a place that grew from a small port to one of Asia's largest metropolises in less than 60 years.

Inskeep proves his skill as a journalist by capturing the diverse forces shaping this city, teling a difficult story without judgment.

Available at Instant City: Life and Death in Karachi


Quiet Diplomacy: Memoirs of an Ambassador of Pakistan

Author: Jamsheed Marker

Jamsheed Marker is Pakistan's longestserving diplomat, having worked in 19 countries and the United Nations for more than 30 years.

His memoirs describe the period when Pakistan negotiated its way through late 20th century power battles and its role after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Available at Quiet Diplomacy: Memoirs of an Ambassador of Pakistan



Author: Kamila Shamsie

Kartography explores family, politics and ethnic violence against the backdrop of the 1971 civil war that led to the formation of Bangladesh.

A family secret is revealed through the friendship between adolescent lovers Raheen and Karim.

Available at Kartography


Rosheen Kabraji is the Programme Manager of the Chatham House Asia Programme

Article: Copyright ©, Tribune Content Agency.

Book Review - Reading List on Pakistan