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Greece Expects Record Number of Tourists this Year
The ongoing economic crisis that has dropped hotel rates and food prices made Greece one of the most attractive destinations for tourists this year. Tourism revenues could hit record highs of as much as 12 billion euros this year
Money Talks as Islamic Tourism Opens New Markets
These days, more and more Muslim travelers are looking for the 'halal' label on hotels, restaurants and even airlines when they travel
Best Travel Companies to Work For
If you'd like travel to be part of your work, consider trying to snag a job at Southwest Airlines or Virgin America. Those companies rank at the top of a new list of best travel-related employers compiled by career website Glassdoor. The ranking is based on evaluations by employees who work at those companies. Here's Glassdoor's full list of top travel companies to work for
More on the 'Myth' of Unchanged Hotel Bed Sheets
No recent story has generated more hate mail than my investigation of hotels that don't change their sheets between guests. I use the term investigation lightly as I simply reviewed some of the previous articles, told a few of your stories, and added my two cents -- which is that a vast majority of hotels always change their sheets. That didn't go over very well with some of my readers
What Hotels Will Resort to For a Good Review
Oh, the things hotels will do for a good review. It's not enough to ask guests for a write-up on a popular site such as TripAdvisor or Yelp after they've checked out. Lately, some innkeepers have been pressuring their customers to say positive things online -- in extreme cases, even before they've checked in.
Hotels Don't Always Change the Sheets Between Guests
Glenn Robins is grossed out. As a frequent traveler, he assumed the sheets on hotel beds are changed between guests. But a new TV ad by the Hampton Inn chain calls that assumption into question. It shows housekeepers changing sheets in hazmat suits, at what appears to be a competing hotel chain
My Hotel Lost a Star -- What Now?
When Stephanie Farrow books a nonrefundable hotel room through Priceline, she's promised a four-star property. She ends up with a three-star and when she complains, she's given the runaround. Is her lost star a lost cause?
Mountain Resorts Make Skiing a Family Affair
Young skiers used to be an afterthought at many winter resorts, banished to the bunny hill or daycare centers while adults enjoyed the mountain. Not anymore. Ski resorts have embraced kids realizing that this generation of parents grew up with skiing and welcome making it a family event
Hotel Fees That Must Die and How to Kill Them
Resort fees. Mandatory tips. Concierge surcharges. If you've stayed at a hotel in the last few years, you've become accustomed -- if not anesthetized -- to these annoying extras. You expect them. You're indifferent to them when they appear on your bill. You shouldn't be.